Load Aggregation & Flexibility Services

FLEX-ABLE. Connecting you to the end user

You might be an EDB, owner of transmission assets or a Generator / Retailer? You may need to defer a new GXP or manage a peak load. We are here to help you.

An end user might be someone that has flexible load/generation or storage. This may be an irrigation pump or irrigation scheme, cool store, battery storage, EV charger or storage water heating.

Where FLEXABLE comes in

Our job is to use the flexibility of the end users load to help manage constraints/problems. Our philosophy is simple, let’s stop investing in bigger assets and use what we have smarter.

Our Process

Understand the problem & cost to fix the problem

Understand the end user behaviour where the problem exists

Engage with the end user to gauge interest in solving the problem

Design a program based on frequency & length, value attached to fixing the problem, and appetite from the end user

By acknowledging a problem exists, we can at least temporarily defer investment (providing sufficient resource is available). But, if we can identify a problem early enough, we believe permanent deferral of investment to be possible.

Contact us today to arrange a consultation.

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